27. ICML 2010:Haifa, Israel

Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-10), June 21-24, 2010, Haifa, Israel. Omnipress 【DBLP Link

Paper Num: 159 || Session Num: 0

1. The Role of Machine Learning in Business Optimization.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1-2

【Authors】: Chid Apté



2. FAB-MAP: Appearance-Based Place Recognition and Mapping using a Learned Visual Vocabulary Model.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:3-10

【Authors】: Mark Joseph Cummins ; Paul M. Newman



3. Discriminative Latent Variable Models for Object Detection.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:11-12

【Authors】: Pedro F. Felzenszwalb ; Ross B. Girshick ; David A. McAllester ; Deva Ramanan



Paper Link】 【Pages】:13-20

【Authors】: Thore Graepel ; Joaquin Quiñonero Candela ; Thomas Borchert ; Ralf Herbrich



5. Music Plus One and Machine Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:21-28

【Authors】: Christopher Raphael



6. Climbing the Tower of Babel: Unsupervised Multilingual Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:29-36

【Authors】: Benjamin Snyder ; Regina Barzilay



7. Detecting Large-Scale System Problems by Mining Console Logs.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:37-46

【Authors】: Wei Xu ; Ling Huang ; Armando Fox ; David A. Patterson ; Michael I. Jordan



8. Particle Filtered MCMC-MLE with Connections to Contrastive Divergence.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:47-54

【Authors】: Arthur U. Asuncion ; Qiang Liu ; Alexander T. Ihler ; Padhraic Smyth



9. Surrogating the surrogate: accelerating Gaussian-process-based global optimization with a mixture cross-entropy algorithm.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:55-62

【Authors】: Rémi Bardenet ; Balázs Kégl



10. Forgetting Counts: Constant Memory Inference for a Dependent Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Process.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:63-70

【Authors】: Nicholas Bartlett ; David Pfau ; Frank Wood



11. Robust Formulations for Handling Uncertainty in Kernel Matrices.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:71-78

【Authors】: Sahely Bhadra ; Sourangshu Bhattacharya ; Chiranjib Bhattacharyya ; Aharon Ben-Tal



12. Active Learning for Networked Data.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:79-86

【Authors】: Mustafa Bilgic ; Lilyana Mihalkova ; Lise Getoor



13. Distance dependent Chinese restaurant processes.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:87-94

【Authors】: David M. Blei ; Peter I. Frazier



14. Causal filter selection in microarray data.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:95-102

【Authors】: Gianluca Bontempi ; Patrick E. Meyer



15. Label Ranking under Ambiguous Supervision for Learning Semantic Correspondences.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:103-110

【Authors】: Antoine Bordes ; Nicolas Usunier ; Jason Weston



16. A Theoretical Analysis of Feature Pooling in Visual Recognition.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:111-118

【Authors】: Y-Lan Boureau ; Jean Ponce ; Yann LeCun



17. Multi-agent Learning Experiments on Repeated Matrix Games.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:119-126

【Authors】: Bruno Bouzy ; Marc Métivier



18. Learning Tree Conditional Random Fields.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:127-134

【Authors】: Joseph K. Bradley ; Carlos Guestrin



19. Finding Planted Partitions in Nearly Linear Time using Arrested Spectral Clustering.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:135-142

【Authors】: Nader H. Bshouty ; Philip M. Long



20. Fast boosting using adversarial bandits.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:143-150

【Authors】: Róbert Busa-Fekete ; Balázs Kégl



21. Modeling Transfer Learning in Human Categorization with the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:151-158

【Authors】: Kevin Robert Canini ; Mikhail M. Shashkov ; Thomas L. Griffiths



Paper Link】 【Pages】:159-166

【Authors】: Bin Cao ; Nathan Nan Liu ; Qiang Yang



23. The Elastic Embedding Algorithm for Dimensionality Reduction.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:167-174

【Authors】: Miguel Á. Carreira-Perpiñán



24. Random Spanning Trees and the Prediction of Weighted Graphs.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:175-182

【Authors】: Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi ; Claudio Gentile ; Fabio Vitale ; Giovanni Zappella



25. Efficient Learning with Partially Observed Attributes.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:183-190

【Authors】: Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi ; Shai Shalev-Shwartz ; Ohad Shamir



26. Convergence, Targeted Optimality, and Safety in Multiagent Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:191-198

【Authors】: Doran Chakraborty ; Peter Stone



27. Structured Output Learning with Indirect Supervision.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:199-206

【Authors】: Ming-Wei Chang ; Vivek Srikumar ; Dan Goldwasser ; Dan Roth



28. Dynamical Products of Experts for Modeling Financial Time Series.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:207-214

【Authors】: Yutian Chen ; Max Welling



29. Label Ranking Methods based on the Plackett-Luce Model.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:215-222

【Authors】: Weiwei Cheng ; Krzysztof Dembczynski ; Eyke Hüllermeier



30. Graded Multilabel Classification: The Ordinal Case.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:223-230

【Authors】: Weiwei Cheng ; Krzysztof Dembczynski ; Eyke Hüllermeier



31. Comparing Clusterings in Space.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:231-238

【Authors】: Michael H. Coen ; M. Hidayath Ansari ; Nathanael Fillmore



32. Two-Stage Learning Kernel Algorithms.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:239-246

【Authors】: Corinna Cortes ; Mehryar Mohri ; Afshin Rostamizadeh



33. Generalization Bounds for Learning Kernels.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:247-254

【Authors】: Corinna Cortes ; Mehryar Mohri ; Afshin Rostamizadeh



34. Fast Neighborhood Subgraph Pairwise Distance Kernel.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:255-262

【Authors】: Fabrizio Costa ; Kurt De Grave



35. Mining Clustering Dimensions.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:263-270

【Authors】: Sajib Dasgupta ; Vincent Ng



36. Bottom-Up Learning of Markov Network Structure.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:271-278

【Authors】: Jesse Davis ; Pedro M. Domingos



37. Bayes Optimal Multilabel Classification via Probabilistic Classifier Chains.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:279-286

【Authors】: Krzysztof Dembczynski ; Weiwei Cheng ; Eyke Hüllermeier



38. A Conditional Random Field for Multiple-Instance Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:287-294

【Authors】: Thomas Deselaers ; Vittorio Ferrari



39. Asymptotic Analysis of Generative Semi-Supervised Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:295-302

【Authors】: Joshua V. Dillon ; Krishnakumar Balasubramanian ; Guy Lebanon



40. Heterogeneous Continuous Dynamic Bayesian Networks with Flexible Structure and Inter-Time Segment Information Sharing.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:303-310

【Authors】: Frank Dondelinger ; Sophie Lèbre ; Dirk Husmeier



41. Temporal Difference Bayesian Model Averaging: A Bayesian Perspective on Adapting Lambda.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:311-318

【Authors】: Carlton Downey ; Scott Sanner



42. High-Performance Semi-Supervised Learning using Discriminatively Constrained Generative Models.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:319-326

【Authors】: Gregory Druck ; Andrew McCallum



43. On the Consistency of Ranking Algorithms.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:327-334

【Authors】: John C. Duchi ; Lester W. Mackey ; Michael I. Jordan



44. Inverse Optimal Control with Linearly-Solvable MDPs.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:335-342

【Authors】: Krishnamurthy Dvijotham ; Emanuel Todorov



45. Continuous-Time Belief Propagation.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:343-350

【Authors】: Tal El-Hay ; Ido Cohn ; Nir Friedman ; Raz Kupferman



46. Nonparametric Information Theoretic Clustering Algorithm.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:351-358

【Authors】: Lev Faivishevsky ; Jacob Goldberger



47. Feature Selection as a One-Player Game.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:359-366

【Authors】: Romaric Gaudel ; Michèle Sebag



48. Multiscale Wavelets on Trees, Graphs and High Dimensional Data: Theory and Applications to Semi Supervised Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:367-374

【Authors】: Matan Gavish ; Boaz Nadler ; Ronald R. Coifman



49. A Language-based Approach to Measuring Scholarly Impact.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:375-382

【Authors】: Sean Gerrish ; David M. Blei



50. Boosting Classifiers with Tightened L0-Relaxation Penalties.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:383-390

【Authors】: Noam Goldberg ; Jonathan Eckstein



51. Budgeted Nonparametric Learning from Data Streams.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:391-398

【Authors】: Ryan Gomes ; Andreas Krause



52. Learning Fast Approximations of Sparse Coding.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:399-406

【Authors】: Karol Gregor ; Yann LeCun



53. Boosted Backpropagation Learning for Training Deep Modular Networks.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:407-414

【Authors】: Alexander Grubb ; J. Andrew Bagnell



54. Interactive Submodular Set Cover.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:415-422

【Authors】: Andrew Guillory ; Jeff A. Bilmes



55. Large Scale Max-Margin Multi-Label Classification with Priors.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:423-430

【Authors】: Bharath Hariharan ; Lihi Zelnik-Manor ; S. V. N. Vishwanathan ; Manik Varma



56. Active Learning for Multi-Task Adaptive Filtering.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:431-438

【Authors】: Abhay Harpale ; Yiming Yang



57. Bayesian Nonparametric Matrix Factorization for Recorded Music.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:439-446

【Authors】: Matthew D. Hoffman ; David M. Blei ; Perry R. Cook



58. Multi-Task Learning of Gaussian Graphical Models.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:447-454

【Authors】: Jean Honorio ; Dimitris Samaras



59. Learning Hierarchical Riffle Independent Groupings from Rankings.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:455-462

【Authors】: Jonathan Huang ; Carlos Guestrin



60. On learning with kernels for unordered pairs.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:463-470

【Authors】: Martial Hue ; Jean-Philippe Vert



61. A Simple Algorithm for Nuclear Norm Regularized Problems.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:471-478

【Authors】: Martin Jaggi ; Marek Sulovský



62. Telling cause from effect based on high-dimensional observations.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:479-486

【Authors】: Dominik Janzing ; Patrik O. Hoyer ; Bernhard Schölkopf



63. Proximal Methods for Sparse Hierarchical Dictionary Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:487-494

【Authors】: Rodolphe Jenatton ; Julien Mairal ; Guillaume Obozinski ; Francis R. Bach



64. 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognition.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:495-502

【Authors】: Shuiwang Ji ; Wei Xu ; Ming Yang ; Kai Yu



65. Accelerated dual decomposition for MAP inference.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:503-510

【Authors】: Vladimir Jojic ; Stephen Gould ; Daphne Koller



66. Efficient Selection of Multiple Bandit Arms: Theory and Practice.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:511-518

【Authors】: Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan ; Peter Stone



67. A scalable trust-region algorithm with application to mixed-norm regression.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:519-526

【Authors】: Dongmin Kim ; Suvrit Sra ; Inderjit S. Dhillon



68. Local Minima Embedding.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:527-534

【Authors】: Minyoung Kim ; Fernando De la Torre



69. Gaussian Processes Multiple Instance Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:535-542

【Authors】: Minyoung Kim ; Fernando De la Torre



70. Tree-Guided Group Lasso for Multi-Task Regression with Structured Sparsity.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:543-550

【Authors】: Seyoung Kim ; Eric P. Xing



71. Learning Markov Logic Networks Using Structural Motifs.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:551-558

【Authors】: Stanley Kok ; Pedro M. Domingos



72. On Sparse Nonparametric Conditional Covariance Selection.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:559-566

【Authors】: Mladen Kolar ; Ankur P. Parikh ; Eric P. Xing



73. Submodular Dictionary Selection for Sparse Representation.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:567-574

【Authors】: Andreas Krause ; Volkan Cevher



74. Implicit Online Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:575-582

【Authors】: Brian Kulis ; Peter L. Bartlett



75. Probabilistic Backward and Forward Reasoning in Stochastic Relational Worlds.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:583-590

【Authors】: Tobias Lang ; Marc Toussaint



76. Supervised Aggregation of Classifiers using Artificial Prediction Markets.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:591-598

【Authors】: Nathan Lay ; Adrian Barbu



77. Bayesian Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:599-606

【Authors】: Alessandro Lazaric ; Mohammad Ghavamzadeh



78. Analysis of a Classification-based Policy Iteration Algorithm.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:607-614

【Authors】: Alessandro Lazaric ; Mohammad Ghavamzadeh ; Rémi Munos



79. Finite-Sample Analysis of LSTD.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:615-622

【Authors】: Alessandro Lazaric ; Mohammad Ghavamzadeh ; Rémi Munos



80. A fast natural Newton method.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:623-630

【Authors】: Nicolas Le Roux ; Andrew W. Fitzgibbon



81. Making Large-Scale Nyström Approximation Possible.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:631-638

【Authors】: Mu Li ; James T. Kwok ; Bao-Liang Lu



82. Learning Programs: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:639-646

【Authors】: Percy Liang ; Michael I. Jordan ; Dan Klein



83. On the Interaction between Norm and Dimensionality: Multiple Regimes in Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:647-654

【Authors】: Percy Liang ; Nati Srebro



84. Power Iteration Clustering.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:655-662

【Authors】: Frank Lin ; William W. Cohen



85. Robust Subspace Segmentation by Low-Rank Representation.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:663-670

【Authors】: Guangcan Liu ; Zhouchen Lin ; Yong Yu



86. Robust Graph Mode Seeking by Graph Shift.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:671-678

【Authors】: Hairong Liu ; Shuicheng Yan



87. Large Graph Construction for Scalable Semi-Supervised Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:679-686

【Authors】: Wei Liu ; Junfeng He ; Shih-Fu Chang



88. Learning Temporal Causal Graphs for Relational Time-Series Analysis.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:687-694

【Authors】: Yan Liu ; Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil ; Aurelie C. Lozano ; Yong Lu



89. Efficient Reinforcement Learning with Multiple Reward Functions for Randomized Controlled Trial Analysis.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:695-702

【Authors】: Daniel J. Lizotte ; Michael H. Bowling ; Susan A. Murphy



90. Restricted Boltzmann Machines are Hard to Approximately Evaluate or Simulate.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:703-710

【Authors】: Philip M. Long ; Rocco A. Servedio



91. Mixed Membership Matrix Factorization.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:711-718

【Authors】: Lester W. Mackey ; David J. Weiss ; Michael I. Jordan



92. Toward Off-Policy Learning Control with Function Approximation.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:719-726

【Authors】: Hamid Reza Maei ; Csaba Szepesvári ; Shalabh Bhatnagar ; Richard S. Sutton



93. Constructing States for Reinforcement Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:727-734

【Authors】: M. M. Hassan Mahmud



94. Deep learning via Hessian-free optimization.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:735-742

【Authors】: James Martens



95. Learning the Linear Dynamical System with ASOS.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:743-750

【Authors】: James Martens



96. From Transformation-Based Dimensionality Reduction to Feature Selection.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:751-758

【Authors】: Mahdokht Masaeli ; Glenn Fung ; Jennifer G. Dy



97. Risk minimization, probability elicitation, and cost-sensitive SVMs.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:759-766

【Authors】: Hamed Masnadi-Shirazi ; Nuno Vasconcelos



98. Exploiting Data-Independence for Fast Belief-Propagation.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:767-774

【Authors】: Julian John McAuley ; Tibério S. Caetano



99. Metric Learning to Rank.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:775-782

【Authors】: Brian McFee ; Gert R. G. Lanckriet



100. Learning Efficiently with Approximate Inference via Dual Losses.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:783-790

【Authors】: Ofer Meshi ; David Sontag ; Tommi S. Jaakkola ; Amir Globerson



101. Deep Supervised t-Distributed Embedding.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:791-798

【Authors】: Martin Renqiang Min ; Laurens van der Maaten ; Zineng Yuan ; Anthony J. Bonner ; Zhaolei Zhang



102. Nonparametric Return Distribution Approximation for Reinforcement Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:799-806

【Authors】: Tetsuro Morimura ; Masashi Sugiyama ; Hisashi Kashima ; Hirotaka Hachiya ; Toshiyuki Tanaka



103. Rectified Linear Units Improve Restricted Boltzmann Machines.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:807-814

【Authors】: Vinod Nair ; Geoffrey E. Hinton



104. Implicit Regularization in Variational Bayesian Matrix Factorization.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:815-822

【Authors】: Shinichi Nakajima ; Masashi Sugiyama



105. Estimation of (near) low-rank matrices with noise and high-dimensional scaling.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:823-830

【Authors】: Sahand Negahban ; Martin J. Wainwright



106. Multiple Non-Redundant Spectral Clustering Views.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:831-838

【Authors】: Donglin Niu ; Jennifer G. Dy ; Michael I. Jordan



107. Multiagent Inductive Learning: an Argumentation-based Approach.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:839-846

【Authors】: Santiago Ontañón ; Enric Plaza



108. A Stick-Breaking Construction of the Beta Process.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:847-854

【Authors】: John William Paisley ; Aimee K. Zaas ; Christopher W. Woods ; Geoffrey S. Ginsburg ; Lawrence Carin



109. The Margin Perceptron with Unlearning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:855-862

【Authors】: Constantinos Panagiotakopoulos ; Petroula Tsampouka



110. Boosting for Regression Transfer.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:863-870

【Authors】: David Pardoe ; Peter Stone



111. Feature Selection Using Regularization in Approximate Linear Programs for Markov Decision Processes.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:871-878

【Authors】: Marek Petrik ; Gavin Taylor ; Ronald Parr ; Shlomo Zilberstein



112. Budgeted Distribution Learning of Belief Net Parameters.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:879-886

【Authors】: Liuyang Li ; Barnabás Póczos ; Csaba Szepesvári ; Russell Greiner



113. Variable Selection in Model-Based Clustering: To Do or To Facilitate.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:887-894

【Authors】: Leonard K. M. Poon ; Nevin Lianwen Zhang ; Tao Chen ; Yi Wang



114. Approximate Predictive Representations of Partially Observable Systems.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:895-902

【Authors】: Monica Dinculescu ; Doina Precup



115. Spherical Topic Models.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:903-910

【Authors】: Joseph Reisinger ; Austin Waters ; Bryan Silverthorn ; Raymond J. Mooney



116. SVM Classifier Estimation from Group Probabilities.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:911-918

【Authors】: Stefan Rüping



117. Clustering processes.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:919-926

【Authors】: Daniil Ryabko



118. Gaussian Process Change Point Models.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:927-934

【Authors】: Yunus Saatci ; Ryan D. Turner ; Carl Edward Rasmussen



119. Online Prediction with Privacy.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:935-942

【Authors】: Jun Sakuma ; Hiromi Arai



120. Learning Deep Boltzmann Machines using Adaptive MCMC.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:943-950

【Authors】: Ruslan Salakhutdinov



121. Active Risk Estimation.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:951-958

【Authors】: Christoph Sawade ; Niels Landwehr ; Steffen Bickel ; Tobias Scheffer



122. Should one compute the Temporal Difference fix point or minimize the Bellman Residual? The unified oblique projection view.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:959-966

【Authors】: Bruno Scherrer



123. Gaussian Covariance and Scalable Variational Inference.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:967-974

【Authors】: Matthias W. Seeger



124. Application of Machine Learning To Epileptic Seizure Detection.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:975-982

【Authors】: Ali H. Shoeb ; John V. Guttag



125. Learning optimally diverse rankings over large document collections.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:983-990

【Authors】: Aleksandrs Slivkins ; Filip Radlinski ; Sreenivas Gollapudi



126. Hilbert Space Embeddings of Hidden Markov Models.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:991-998

【Authors】: Le Song ; Byron Boots ; Sajid M. Siddiqi ; Geoffrey J. Gordon ; Alexander J. Smola



127. COFFIN: A Computational Framework for Linear SVMs.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:999-1006

【Authors】: Sören Sonnenburg ; Vojtech Franc



128. Internal Rewards Mitigate Agent Boundedness.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1007-1014

【Authors】: Jonathan Sorg ; Satinder P. Singh ; Richard L. Lewis



129. Gaussian Process Optimization in the Bandit Setting: No Regret and Experimental Design.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1015-1022

【Authors】: Niranjan Srinivas ; Andreas Krause ; Sham Kakade ; Matthias W. Seeger



130. Unsupervised Risk Stratification in Clinical Datasets: Identifying Patients at Risk of Rare Outcomes.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1023-1030

【Authors】: Zeeshan Syed ; Ilan Rubinfeld



131. Model-based reinforcement learning with nearly tight exploration complexity bounds.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1031-1038

【Authors】: Istvan Szita ; Csaba Szepesvári



132. Total Variation, Cheeger Cuts.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1039-1046

【Authors】: Arthur Szlam ; Xavier Bresson



133. Learning Sparse SVM for Feature Selection on Very High Dimensional Datasets.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1047-1054

【Authors】: Mingkui Tan ; Li Wang ; Ivor W. Tsang



134. Deep networks for robust visual recognition.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1055-1062

【Authors】: Yichuan Tang ; Chris Eliasmith



135. A DC Programming Approach for Sparse Eigenvalue Problem.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1063-1070

【Authors】: Mamadou Thiao ; Pham Dinh Tao ; Le Thi Hoai An



136. Least-Squares Policy Iteration: Bias-Variance Trade-off in Control Problems.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1071-1078

【Authors】: Christophe Thiery ; Bruno Scherrer



137. An Analysis of the Convergence of Graph Laplacians.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1079-1086

【Authors】: Daniel Ting ; Ling Huang ; Michael I. Jordan



138. A Fast Augmented Lagrangian Algorithm for Learning Low-Rank Matrices.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1087-1094

【Authors】: Ryota Tomioka ; Taiji Suzuki ; Masashi Sugiyama ; Hisashi Kashima



139. One-sided Support Vector Regression for Multiclass Cost-sensitive Classification.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1095-1102

【Authors】: Han-Hsing Tu ; Hsuan-Tien Lin



140. Non-Local Contrastive Objectives.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1103-1110

【Authors】: David Vickrey ; Cliff Chiung-Yu Lin ; Daphne Koller



141. The Translation-invariant Wishart-Dirichlet Process for Clustering Distance Data.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1111-1118

【Authors】: Julia E. Vogt ; Sandhya Prabhakaran ; Thomas J. Fuchs ; Volker Roth



142. Generalizing Apprenticeship Learning across Hypothesis Classes.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1119-1126

【Authors】: Thomas J. Walsh ; Kaushik Subramanian ; Michael L. Littman ; Carlos Diuk



143. Sequential Projection Learning for Hashing with Compact Codes.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1127-1134

【Authors】: Jun Wang ; Sanjiv Kumar ; Shih-Fu Chang



144. A New Analysis of Co-Training.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1135-1142

【Authors】: Wei Wang ; Zhi-Hua Zhou



145. Multi-Class Pegasos on a Budget.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1143-1150

【Authors】: Zhuang Wang ; Koby Crammer ; Slobodan Vucetic



146. The IBP Compound Dirichlet Process and its Application to Focused Topic Modeling.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1151-1158

【Authors】: Sinead Williamson ; Chong Wang ; Katherine A. Heller ; David M. Blei



147. Online Streaming Feature Selection.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1159-1166

【Authors】: Xindong Wu ; Kui Yu ; Hao Wang ; Wei Ding



148. Classes of Multiagent Q-learning Dynamics with epsilon-greedy Exploration.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1167-1174

【Authors】: Michael Wunder ; Michael L. Littman ; Monica Babes



149. Simple and Efficient Multiple Kernel Learning by Group Lasso.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1175-1182

【Authors】: Zenglin Xu ; Rong Jin ; Haiqin Yang ; Irwin King ; Michael R. Lyu



150. Sparse Gaussian Process Regression via L1 Penalization.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1183-1190

【Authors】: Feng Yan ; Yuan (Alan) Qi



151. Online Learning for Group Lasso.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1191-1198

【Authors】: Haiqin Yang ; Zenglin Xu ; Irwin King ; Michael R. Lyu



152. Learning from Noisy Side Information by Generalized Maximum Entropy Model.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1199-1206

【Authors】: Tianbao Yang ; Rong Jin ; Anil K. Jain



153. Convergence of Least Squares Temporal Difference Methods Under General Conditions.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1207-1214

【Authors】: Huizhen Yu



154. Improved Local Coordinate Coding using Local Tangents.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1215-1222

【Authors】: Kai Yu ; Tong Zhang



155. Projection Penalties: Dimension Reduction without Loss.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1223-1230

【Authors】: Yi Zhang ; Jeff G. Schneider



156. OTL: A Framework of Online Transfer Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1231-1238

【Authors】: Peilin Zhao ; Steven C. H. Hoi



157. Conditional Topic Random Fields.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1239-1246

【Authors】: Jun Zhu ; Eric P. Xing



158. Cognitive Models of Test-Item Effects in Human Category Learning.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1247-1254

【Authors】: Xiaojin Zhu ; Bryan R. Gibson ; Kwang-Sung Jun ; Timothy T. Rogers ; Joseph Harrison ; Chuck Kalish



159. Modeling Interaction via the Principle of Maximum Causal Entropy.

Paper Link】 【Pages】:1255-1262

【Authors】: Brian D. Ziebart ; J. Andrew Bagnell ; Anind K. Dey

